Battleship IOWA
The West Coast's only Battleship open to the public. Operated by the non-profit Pacific Battleship Center, the Battleship Iowa is located at the L.A. Waterfront and its mission is to "Celebrate the American Spirit" through the preservation and interpretation of the USS IOWA.
Developed logo mark and secondary graphic mark that portrays the strength, history, and future direction in keeping with the Battleship's distinction and long service to our country. Strong and dynamic incorporation of the signature "Big Guns," bright California sky, and strong black base and border.
Created business cards and company stationary to carry brand identity through communication materials.
Designed a user-friendly website that incorporated the history and current mission of the Battleship IOWA.
Wrote and distributed press releases on new product introductions, events, and company news to industry media outlets, as well as, national and international media representatives.